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Alaska Blind Child Discovery

A cooperative, charitable research project to vision screen every preschool Alaskan

2006 PlusOptix ASD School Screening

10-Ft Surround HOTV critical Line PATCHED Acuity
ABCD History

The Fall 2006 Anchorage Schools ABCD Screening project compared the state-of-the-art PlusOptiX S04 computer-interpreted, infrared photoscreener with previously validated Tent Gateway DV-S20 digital flash photoscreening with physician "delta-center-crescent" interpretation and with Patched 10-foot acuity testing with Surround HOTV logMAR optotypes and a critical line of 20/40 for kindergarten or younger, and 20/32 for First grade and Third Grade. Children unable to pass the critical line unaided will have the opportunity to try again with pinhole.

Michelle Clausen, a pre-nursing student from the ABCD program, will assist school nurses in this project which enjoys tremendous support from the District 49-A Lions Clubs.

Volunteers help Michelle Clausen indentify and transfer students from class, place distinct nametags, and record vision screening results
Kids Eye Disorders
Vision Screening
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6-Ft Tent Gateway DV-S20 ADBC Photoscreening
3.3 Ft PlusOptix S04 infrared, computer-interpreted screen


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