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Alaska Blind Child Discovery

A cooperative, charitable research project to vision screen every preschool Alaskan


Surrounded Optotypes best select amblyopic patients. In a logMAR presentation, children under Kindergarten unable to pass the 20/40 critical line, or over Kindergarten unable to pass the 20/30 line, should be referred for a confirmatory examination. There should be a low chance the child can merely guess the critical line by chance; therefore 3 out of four, or four out of five are needed. With the six (6) bilaterally symmetric simple capital letters in HOTVAX, only two out of three yields a less than 0.03 chance of guessing- and speeds up the acuity screening process.    
Nordic and Alpine ski racers use HOTWAX, or in German HOTVAX, to make the skis go faster.
ABCD History
Kids Eye Disorders
Vision Screening
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HOTVAX Powerpoint™
HOTVAX on your browser
HOTVAX Instruction Sheet and Matching Card
FAST acuity Screen Test


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