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Alaska Blind Child Discovery

A cooperative, charitable research project to vision screen every preschool Alaskan

Julie Kay Smith (8/29/64 to 11/4/07)


The Alaska Blind Child Discovery relies on volunteers who take vision screening technology to urban, rural and bush children. Julie Smith was one of the very best.

Julie was a specialist at low vision children with the VISIT program at SESA. She traveled state-wide to help Alaskan children with Low Vision adapt and prepare for education and life. From the Earliest days of ABCD, Julie and her colleague Andrea Story, took photoscreening statewide. From Barrow to Kodiak; from Adak to Ketchkan, Julie performed outstanding photoscreening with excellent follow up for parents and children alike. When Polaroid film for the original ABCD MTI cameras became scarce, Julie specialized in JVC photoscreening and documentation of strabismus and nystagmus from remote locations.

A memorial for Julie Smith will be November 30, 2007 from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm at the Campbell Creek Science Center, 6865 Abbott Loop Road

Julie Smith Memorial PlusOptix S08 Infrared Cumputer Vision Screener

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While assisting a family with one her her beloved special-needs children, Julie Smith suffered a pulmonary embolism. She died shortly after on November 4, 2007. The Alaska Blind Child Discovery will honor her in a practical way. We will purchase America's first state-of-the-art PlusOptix S08 photoscreener in Julie's memory. This latest PlusOptix will join ten District 49 Lions computer screeners for combating blindness in Alaskan children. Julie's camera is especially devoted to rural and bush children.
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