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Alaska Blind Child Discovery

A cooperative, charitable research project to vision screen every preschool Alaskan

Hirschberg Reflex

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Kids Eye Disorders
Vision Screening
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    In addition to cover test and Enhanced Bruckner Test, it is possible to detect strabismus by the Hirschberg Corneal Light Reflex Test. Have the child fix their eye(s) on your flash camera, or on your flashlight held in front of your face. Carefully examine the exact location of the bright white flash image on the cornea- the center of the pupil. Compare both eyes. If the eye is looking straight, the Hirschberg reflex will be centered in the pupil. If the eye is misaligned the corneal light refelx will be displaced the opposite direction.If the eye is crossed (esotropia) the light reflex will be toward the ear and away from the nose. Strabismus is a common cause of amblyopia.      
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