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Alaska Blind Child Discovery

A cooperative, charitable research project to vision screen every preschool Alaskan


"See by Three" is the name of a concerted effort to enhance AAP-Guideline preschool Acuity Testing promoted by the Childrens Eye Foundation of the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus (AAPOS). The Foundation is headed by Dr. George Beauchamp and "See by Three" is headed by Dr. Denise Chamblee. See by Three hopes to have every American Preschooler get cost-effective, valid vision screening in the Pediatric Home. The Method of screening will meet or exceed the validity of patched logMAR surround or crowded acuity testing.  
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Drs. Geoff Bradford, Jean Ramsey, Denise Chamblee and Robert Arnold at "See by Three" meeting in Chicago.
Dr. Robert Arnold with AAPOS Foundation Chair George Beauchamp and "See by Three" Chair Dr. Denise Chamblee.
Dr. Kay Nottingham Chaplin and Dr. Geoff Bradford coordinate the West Virginia Vision Screen Program and Dr. Robert Hered coordinated education and a community vision screen outreach to Jacksonville, Florida from the NeMour's Children's Hospital.  
Mission Statement of CEF: The Foundation will optimize the quality of life for infants and children as well as adults with strabismus by fostering normal vision development and protection of vision through programs of prevention, treatment, research, and education.
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