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Alaska Blind Child Discovery

A cooperative, charitable research project to vision screen every preschool Alaskan

Burma Screen:BungKlueng and LehTungKo


A team from Free Burma Rangers, Partners, Pastor Samuel and "Ilya's Clinic" in the Talakone village to Leh Tung Ku on the Thai-Burma border. Each Day, several hundred children and adults in Bung Klueng and Leh Tung Ku were vision screened, either using Acuity Testing (ABCD HOTV Flip Card from Precision Vision or the ABCD Matching "Box") with younger children receiving Tent Photoscreening with ADBC via two Canon TX1 cameras.

Some children with refractive amblyopia will be sent sturdy spectacles from ABCD.

Only 5 functioning adult spectacles were reported in these two villages whereas almost all the adults had moderate hyperopic against-the-rule astigmatism desperately needing reading glasses or bifocals. Many other adults had cataract or corneal blindness.

A typical Adult Karen Burma refraction might yield:

+1.00 +0.75 x 180 OU Add +2.00.

Special Thanks to:Pastor Samuel, Toebe Bay, Sue Boo, Ruth, Austin, Chris, Sun Day, Ta Glo, Thomas, Traw Miew (horse delivivered to clinic) Dega Pow Ashee and her clinic staff nurses and medics, Paw Day Doo and family, Mo Amee, Kate and Tiff from Asian Atheltic Institute, Allan and Joan Eubank, Laurie and Gideon Dawson, Free Burma Rangers and Partners

January 2008

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